Sandy McMullen

Alignment, Self Expression and Truth

Welcome to my Hub-site of Passions and Interests

Get insight into what is current for you.

Passions and Interests


Learn about some Personality Assessments in my toolkit


Explore some of my colourful and expressive abstract artwork.


Visit our Truth and Reconciliation Community

Personality Assessments

Personality assessments are a valuable tool when you are seeking some insight. Each assessment looks at different aspects of how you most naturally function. When you know who you are – the good, the great, the bad, the ugly – and accept the whole enchilada, you can tap into your uniqueness.  Up your game and reduce stress, by being yourself 100%. What a relief!

    • MBTI – Myers Briggs


    • Enneagram


    • Reiss Desire Profile


Abstract  Paintings

I  often wander at the edges of what is possible and explore questions that dig into the unfamiliar. These sometimes uncomfortable prompts, often around social justice and environmental responsibility, keep insinuating themselves into my awareness begging for a response. The world of the abstract allows inquiry into these matters. Integral to my work is the belief that beauty and authentic self-expression are twin guides allowing us to reach the fullness of our potential as human beings. My job is to seek the right questions and stay open to what emerges by staying in a space of play and exploration. 

Social Justice

As a Canadian I respectfully acknowledge that I live in two places : on the traditional  territory of the Pentlatch, E’iksan, K’omoks and Qualicum peoples as well as the traditional territory of the Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg which is in the territory covered by Treaty 20 and the Williams Treaty. I am grateful to learn from all the people who have come before me and taken care of these sacred lands and waters and who continue to do so till today. I commit to actively addressing the truth that comes before reconciliation and the reparations that come before true reconciliation.

  Finally may I offer my secret solution for times when you are feeling indecisive or stuck.

I can help you gain some insight and clarity in a simple, fast and fun way through dowsing with a pendulum.

YES, you heard that right! It is more practical than you think.

You don’t have to believe in anything WooWoo to take advantage of a dowsing session. It is a fast way to open to new possibility and a definite pattern interrupt when you are stuck in an overthinking loop with any situation.

Ready to play?

Get in touch on Facebook or Instagram or email me to inquire about a commission or to say Hello.

I found Sandy to be extremely knowledgeable and the deep insight I gained in doing the Enneagram with Sandy, to be profound. What I appreciated most was the practical tips for working with others, and the understanding I gained of my journey to who I am today. I now have a platform for moving forward which will unleash my talents fully.
Adria Trowhill

Dean Emerita of Adler Professional Coaching, Posi-TRAK Coaching Inc

I know Sandy primarily as an artist and always enjoyed visits with her in her gallery space at the Distillery. She has a great sense of humour and is always willing to spend time chatting and listening to others. I have one of Sandy’s paintings hanging in my home and often study and contemplate it. As well as being a talented artist, Sandy is a patient listener who will try to lead you gently to possible solutions to your problems. She is a lovely competent leader who inspires and guides others along their paths in life.
Marie Payne

Textile Artist, Arts on the Credit

Sandy is a most intuitive and savvy coach. She immediately sees past the obvious and can help you confront the “real” issues. I’ve witnessed her do this for a number of people with immediate impact.
Lesley Parrott

Consultant and Keynote Speaker, Lesley Parrott Consulting

Sandy created an Insight’s Portrait of my personality. She opened my eyes up to my key strengths but also was right about the things I need to work on developing. It was an amazing one of a kind experience. Sandy was delightful to work with and I enjoyed the entire process. I have the painting and write up in my office as a daily reminder to remember who I am, what I stand for and what I need to focus on moving forward.
I would highly recommend this to anyone who is looking to learn more about themselves.
Janet Lewis

Founder and Owner, Orangefish

Sandy is a joy to work with. I have worked with Sandy on three new business web sites now. Sandy listens really well, clarifies her understanding with great questions and then has loads of creative ideas. Sandy always delivers to the timelines we agree and the end result is always a delight. Sandy knows her strengths and knows when to add other people from her network to the team to get the best result. Most of all working with Sandy feels like working with a friend, someone that is for you, who sees the deeper meaning in what you are trying to do and does everything she can to help realise the initial dream.
Richard Izard

Co-founder and Managing Director, Global Leadership Associates