The 16 MBTI Types

What type is the best fit for you?
Determine Your Type

Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I)
Sensing (S) or Intuiting (N)
Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)
Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)

When you have determined which of each pair is most like you, the end result will be one of the sixteen four-letter codes listed here. Does the description sound like you?


Snapshot: Doing What Should Be Done
Dominant Function: Introverted Sensing


Snapshot: A High Sense of Duty
Dominant Function: Introverted Sensing

Thorough, dependable, practical, quiet and serious… ISTJ’s decide in a logical matter of fact manner what needs to happen. They seek to have the clearest knowledge possible through gaining knowledge and clarifying concepts. Then they work in an organized, orderly and steady manner to accomplish their goals. They value past experience, traditions and loyalty.
Loyal, conscientious, quiet, friendly and responsible… ISFJ’s create environments that are orderly and harmonious both at work and at home. They observe others – paying attention to what is important to them and how they feel. They take care to meet their obligations in a manner that is both thorough and accurate.


Snapshot: An Inspiration to Others
Dominant Function:Introverted Intuition


Snapshot: Everything Has Room for Improvement
Dominant Function: Introverted Intuition

Conscientious, insightful, organized and committed to their firm values and implementing their vision… INFJ’s seek meaning and connection in all areas of their life and persevere in doing the right thing. They want to understand what motivates people and they easily see how best to serve the good of all. INFJ’s are likely to be individualistic in their approach.
Skeptical and independent, high standards of competence and performance – for themselves and others… INTJ’s are original thinkers, they appreciate logical analysis and thinking systematically and they turn their theories into effective plans for action. INTJ’s are long range thinkers and their task orientation helps to turn their visions to reality.


Snapshot: Ready to Try Anything Once
Dominant Function: Introverted Thinking


Snapshot: Sees Much but Shares Little
Dominant Function: Introverted Feeling

Tolerant, flexible, quiet observers who are interested in why and how things work so they can use them efficiently and effectively. They are uncomplicated in their desires and realistic and they get through large amounts of data to find solutions to practical problems. ISTP’s are interested in cause and effect and organize facts using logical principles.
Tolerant, flexible, quiet observers who are interested in why and how things work so they can use them efficiently and effectively. They are uncomplicated in their desires and realistic and they get through large amounts of data to find solutions to practical problems. ISTP’s are interested in cause and effect and organize facts using logical principles.


Snapshot: Performing Noble Service to Aid Society
Dominant Function: Introverted Feeling


Snapshot: A Love of Problem – Solving
Dominant Function: Introverted Thinking

Idealistic, adaptable, flexible, and accepting unless a value is threatened… INFP’s are interested in serving humanity. They are curious, quick mentally and able to see possibilities. They care deeply for people who are important to them and are naturally drawn to help others. They seek to help others fulfill their potential.
Quiet, contained, flexible, adaptable, skeptical, sometimes critical, always analytical… INTP’s naturally question and critique as they seek to develop logical explanations for what interests them. They are interested more in concepts and ideas than in social interaction. They can focus deeply to solve problems but have little need to control their world.


Snapshot: The Ultimate Realists
Dominant Function: Extraverted Sensing


Snapshot: You Only Go Around Once
Dominant Function: Extraverted Sensing

Flexible, tolerant, realistic, action-oriented, risk takers who live in the “here and now”… ESTP’s live a fast-paced lifestyle and like practical, pragmatic approaches with immediate results. Theories and “long winded” conceptual explanations bore them. They have great people skills and enjoy being involved in new activities with others.
Flexible, spontaneous, outgoing, friendly, accepting, enthusiastic lovers of life, people oriented… ESFP’s enjoy real life experiences and working “hands on “ with others. They make work fun, and take a down to earth, common sense approach. They live life to the fullest and are not interested in theory and impersonal analysis. They are often the centre of attention.


Snapshot: Giving Life an Extra Squeeze
Dominant Function: Extraverted Intuition


Snapshot: One Exciting Challenge after the Other
Dominant Function: Extraverted Intuition

Warmly enthusiastic, spontaneous, imaginative, and flexible … ENFP’s see life as full of possibilities, and they are attracted to new ideas, new people and new activities. They care for others others, and readily give appreciation and support. Receiving recognition is important as well. They are bored with details and enjoy work that involves experimentation and variety.
Quick, ingenious, stimulating, alert, and outspoken… ENTP’s look for patterns and meaning in a world of possibilities. They analyze to understand and solve new and challenging problems. They are good at reading other people. Bored by routine, they seek one new interest after another. They often challenge the status quo and instigate change.


Snapshot: Life’s Administrators
Dominant Function: Extraverted Thinking


Snapshot: Everyone’s Trusted Friend
Dominant Function: Extraverted Feeling

Practical, realistic, matter-of-fact, and decisive… ESTJ’s need to analyze and are naturally predisposed to organize people, events, and things. They quickly implement decisions. They have a clear set of logical standards, systematically follow them and want others to also. They are forceful in implementing their plans which are pragmatic “tried and tested” approaches.
Warmhearted, conscientious, cooperative and loyal… ESFJ’s tend to put others needs before their own. They want harmony in their environment, and work with determination to establish it. They bring an aura of warmth to all they do. They like to work with others – completing tasks with pragmatic efficiency. ESFJ’s want to be appreciated for who they are and for what they contribute.


Snapshot: Smooth Talking Persuaders
Dominant Function: Extraverted Feeling


Snapshot: Life’s Natural leaders
Dominant Function: Extraverted Thinking

Warm, empathetic, responsive, responsible, sociable, loyal, responsive to praise and criticism… ENFJ’s care for others and seek harmony in relationships. Their intuition attunes them to what’s new and possible and to manifesting their vision. ENFJ’s want to help others fulfill their potential and they effectively manage people issues and facilitate groups.
Frank, decisive, usually well informed, and well read… ENTJ’s assume leadership naturally. They can be assertive and speak their opinions in a strong manner. ENTJ’s analyze system wide problems and find the logical order – building conceptual models from which to launch comprehensive strategic actions. They enjoy expanding their knowledge and passing it on to others.

Curious about what an official MBTI assessment has to say?