The Nine Enneagram Types

Understand Your World-view and Motivation
What the Enneagram looks at:

This is a model, which goes beyond the superficial aspects of behaviour and delves into the underlying motivation that gives us a look at “why” people do what they do.

The Enneagram brings the way we view the world into sharp, clear focus. Our particular worldview impacts the unique way each of us brings our own thoughts, feelings and motivations to any situation. The Enneagram is like the perceptual glasses that we wear. It is also about our patterns of thinking and the places where we “hang out” more – our patterns of belief and our inner motivations.

What does it give you ?

The Enneagram provides a clear map for us to see who we are, how we fit into the scheme of things and how we interact with others. It paints such a clear picture that many writers and directors use the Enneagram to build characters that are true to life and to cast actors whose own type aligns with that role. Tom Cruise, an Enneagram Three, plays a role depicting the Enneagram Three mantra that “failure is not an option” in Mission Impossible.

This model is fluid and dynamic and because it is linked to core motivation explains a great deal. Understanding another person’s Enneagram type puts things into a framework that helps to eliminate judgment and blame. The same holds true for our own foibles. Behaviour can then be both understood and appreciated.

Originally these teachings were used for spiritual growth and personal transformation. Because the Enneagram is so complete it has found its way into mainstream use in educational, therapy and business applications.

About the model:

The Enneagram consists of a circle and nine lines and is therefore named ennea for nine and gramma for model. It is a dynamic model of both process and transformation.

There are three types in each of three triads: head heart and gut. Within each triad there is an assertive type, an accommodating type and a withdrawing type. While these two distinctions provide a lot of information, there are deeper levels of refinement that those who respond to this model can use to continue their learning and application of emerging insights.

The Nine Types: Worldview, Motivation and Focus of Attention

While I have included names for each type, the name may distract from the essence of the whole and therefore I use the type number. Each major Enneagram theorist uses different names with some more accurately reflective of the type.

One –

The Idealist

There is a right way. Let me show you.

Toward: Getting things right. Improving self and others 
Away from: Making a mistake
Focus of attention: What’s right or wrong? Inner standards of perfection

Two –

The Supporter

Relationships are most important. I support others. If those I love are happy so am I.

Toward: Being appreciated feeling important to others.
Away from: Being seen as needy.
Focus of attention: What others want. How to gain their approval?

Three –

The Achiever

The world likes winners. My worth depends on what I do.

Toward: Being and appearing successful. Working hard. Leading. Winning.
Away from: Failure.
Focus of attention: Tasks, goals, recognition.

Four –

The Individualist

Feelings and being authentic are most important.

Toward: Being unique and special finding the meaning of life.
Away from: Being ordinary.
Focus of attention: The past, the future, the absent, the hard to get. On what is missing

Five –

The Thinker

The mind and thinking are the highest values. I can only rely on myself.

Toward: Knowing, understanding, being self-sufficient.
Away from: Not having the answer or looking foolish.
Focus of attention: Thinking. Disengage from feeling in order to observe.

Six –

The Questioner

There may be hazards that lurk behind everyday appearances.

Toward: To be certain.
Away from: Avoid doubt by seeking approval, questioning or confronting.
Focus of attention: contradictory evidence, inner questioning, hidden intentions.

Seven –
The Enthusiast

Life is a banquet. Explore it all.

Toward: Be happy, plan fun things, contribute to the world.
Away from: Pain and suffering.
Focus of attention: Best case possibilities, pleasant plans, options.

Eight –
The Leader

You have to be strong to survive.

Toward: self-sufficient and strong making an impact on the world.
Away from: Being weak, vulnerable, at the mercy of others.
Focus of attention: Power and control. All or nothing.

Nine –
The Mediator

Everything will work out. Every point of view has value.

Toward: Keeping the peace, and merging with others.
Away from: Conflict.
Focus of attention: Other people’s position or point of view.

How to Determine Your Type

When I first learned the Enneagram in 1992, I was obsessed with discovering my type. The Enneagram was introduced to me by Dr. Wyatt Woodsmall, a pioneer in NLP and Behavioural Modelling who because of his vast knowledge appears at times to be a brain with a body. He presented this model in a data dump over a few days. I was overwhelmed but determined. I read everything I could and my ego led me to believe that perhaps the type TWO was the best fit for me. Wasn’t I friendly and helpful?

My interest continued and I attended workshops and conferences to discover more and more and more. Helen Palmer and David Daniels, internationally recognized leaders in teaching the Enneagram brought each type to life in their workshops by bringing panels of each type to the front for an interview. Seeing the way the type was embodied in people’s movements and patterns of speech presented so much more information than you can glean from text in a book. After two years of study I had the rude awakening that I wasn’t as nice as all that I wanted to be by being a Two and realized that the inability to fully trust my inner or outer reality made the Enneagram Six a truer fit for me – questioning and self-doubt were the truth that I was so close to I could not see.

It is important that each of us self-identify our Enneagram type. People can mistype themselves especially if they rely solely on information taken from a book or other form of text. The best way to learn this model is by listening to stories from people who know their type in a workshop setting. If you want to explore the Enneagram I highly recommend a workshop with a teacher who uses panels. While this may not be the easiest model to identify our individual type, it is the model that has had the greatest impact on my personal development.

To help people get closer to understanding their true type, I have  a interview process that helps you more than on-line quizzes or reading a book. Two types can act in a similar fashion but for completely different reasons. I can help you see that while a certain description of a type may apply to your behaviour it may not be quite the right fit for why you operate that way. The underlying motivation is a more accurate reflection of your worldview. 


Need to know more about the Enneagram Discovery process

If you are ready, arrange to discover your type below

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