Self Expression

Through Art, Through an On-line Presence, Through Overcoming Barriers
When we are tuned in and in alignment with our true nature, we each have a way that we express our gifts that is unique to us.

When we are out of alignment with our natural tendencies and living a life that is “not me” we may feel frustrated, depleted, stuck or just plain FLAT.

We can’t find our groove by adopting someone else’s formula. The zone where we are nurtured and “lit up” is uniquely ours but not always easily accessible.

When we express all that we are, we become magic and magnetic drawing others to our sphere.

It is worth finding out what that means to us.

Looking for some answers?

If you think it might be helpful consider a session to zero in on what is important to you, to explore putting your message out into the world or to see if my self-expression through painting inspires you.

Talk to Sandy

I cannot say enough good things about Sandy and her approach to coaching through the use of art. She gave me the right inspiration at the right time and I heartily recommend her! Warm and professional, Sandy is simply among the best.

Susan Ursel

Partner, Ursel Phillips Fellows Hopkinson LLP

Overcome Roadblocks

No one likes the feeling of being stalled. When we are aligned and in flow our spirit sings. Clarity is the magic bullet that allows barriers to dissolve. From a 1 to 1 coaching chat to a more esoteric approach it is a bonus to have a partner at hand who is agenda free and confident in your ability to find the next step.

Design Your Web Presence

If you are ready to take your gifts to the world, building a website forces you to know who you are, what you offer, who you offer it for and what your approach can do for your clients. I design and launch simple sites in collaboration with those who like to be able to manage their own on-line presence.

Own Some Art for Daily Inspiration

What’s next? What’s possible? Where is the growing edge? How can I play there? These are the questions that motivate me and make me want to grow and that fuel my creativity. This is not the path that all painters  take but it seems to be mine.  I’d love to show you more.