Personality Assessments

“Know Thyself” is Wise Advice for Creating Solid Relationships and Work That Brings Satisfaction.
Myers Briggs Type IndicatorEnneagram
How do you discover what makes you tick?
Learn what motivates you as well as what drains your energy through personality assessment tools such as the MBTI, the Enneagram and the Reiss Motivation Profile.

Understanding your natural gifts and blind spots allows you to make choices that fully align who you are with what you do.

Are you a “solopreneur”, an independent professional, or do you have an entrepreneurial approach to the way you operate?

Understanding and leveraging your natural creativity and harnessing the power of your innate motivation makes for work that is sustainable. What this means is that you stop seeing yourself as an endless improvement project.

You can also see, appreciate and work with the differences in others. You can quickly see what to say YES to and where and what to delete or delegate so that you design your work to align with your biggest asset – YOU.

Each assessment tool measures something different. No one tool paints the full picture of who you are.

There are a myriad of tests such as True Colours, DISC, Social Styles, Insights, the Kolbe to name a few and they all add to our understanding. Some assessments make more sense for certain applications. It is helpful to pick the right assessment for the context that you find yourself in and the kind of conversation that is needed in the moment.

Here are three assessment tools that I use to help people gain self-knowledge.

One of 16 MBTI Types

One of 9 Enneagram Styles

Select Core Motivators

The MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Inventory) is based on Jungian typology and looks specifically at the different ways we prefer to take in information and make decisions. Each of the 16 types has one ways of processing that dominates and flavours how we show up day to day and under stress. The MBTI has been used extensively for personal development and furthering understanding in groups.
The Enneagram which is a model of nine distinct worldviews. This tool is brilliantly accurate in identifying our core motivation and resulting approach to the world. Our MBTI flavours the way our Enneagram type shows up. The Enneagram shows us our true essence as well as the way our habitual stance can limit us. This model can provide a path for ongoing reflection and growth.
This is a trait based model called the Reiss Motivation Profile. Dr. Steven Reiss’s research reduced all desires, wants and needs to 16 core desires – 14 of which are found in animal behaviour. Each of us has a relationship to each desire in a particular constellation with some ranking stronger or weaker than others.  We are constantly playing out the persistent nature of our core desires.

If you are ready, we can have a chat to talk about what would work best for your current situation.

Let's talk...

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