Welcome Boozhoo Aniin
Truth and Reconciliation Community Bobcaygeon
Are you interested in what Reconciliation means in Canada but don’t know how you can participate?
Would you like to expand your understanding of the history of this land beyond a colonial perspective?
Do you live in Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg Territory especially in the Kawarthas and want to learn more about what is happening here?
These questions are some that interest our community. We are a group of Settlers who are learning about Truth & Reconciliation and have a sincere desire to make some positive contributions to promote awareness to other settlers in our community.
We gain insight and information through our events and workshops and we will share some of what we learn on this site so that you may also find answers in some of the resources that we have discovered.
Mission Statement
Shifting perspectives: Re-imagining relations with Indigenous peoples, Settlers and the Land. Learn more about TRC BobcaygeonA paragraph about our Resources including material from research, workshops etc. Links to other on-line resources.