The Reiss Desire Profile can be taken as an online assessment that results in a report that looks at 16 core motivational tendencies. (For an overview of the research behind this profile and a brief description of the 16 desires have a quick look here)

There are several things to remember when taking an assessment tool:

  • Perhaps the number one thing to keep in mind is that this is a TOOL and it’s value lies in how you work with it
  • Before diving in to apply what is in the report take time upfront to see if the results match with what you know to be true. Does this seem an accurate reflection of who you are?
  • What does not fit that you might want to pay attention to?
  • What aspect did you expect to see reflected that isn’t showing in the results?
  • Take time to compare the results to what is happening now and in the past – “In reflecting on my life and work can I see how what this profile says applies”.
  • You get out of these personality tools the investment that you make in understanding and applying them. A superficial “one -time” read through your profile may well be soon forgotten. Returning to reflect trough the lens of the tool deepens your understanding.
  • A coach or facilitator trained in that assessment tool will help you to know how to interpret the tool accurately and make the most of applying your knowledge to your work/life reality.

There are also some things that are specific to the Reiss:

  • The motivational tendencies that you score either highly on or have a low score (those in the green and red zones) will have the greatest influence
  • Those desires that are in the mid-range (yellow) will be neutral
  • The desires in the green or red range will reflect things that you will motivate you time after time
  • Satisfying these needs (desires) once will not be the end of their influence
  • They do not need to be satisfied in your current work or relationships but can be factored in in other ways.

Some examples of application:

Acceptance can be a particularly challenging motivator. Most work situations are not designed to satisfy this desire and may in fact be quite the opposite by requiring a level of detachment and sacrifice of personal concerns. There are groups such as Toppers which is a weight loss program, Mary Kay Cosmetics and some social or special interest groups where recognition is an integral part of the program. A job that comes up short in satisfying the need for acceptance can be balanced by engaging with a group that has affiliative roots and provides Acceptance as part of how they operate.

On a personal note I have come to see how much Expediency plays a role in my decision making. This is the opposite of having High Honour as a motivator. A person motivated by High Honour will be motivated by what’s traditional, what brings in and respects the tried and true approaches. I am consistently motivated to get things done in the most efficient and effective way possible regardless of tradition. I am the Queen of finding ways to reduce 3 step processes to “let’s try this to see if we can get it done in ONE.” Does it backfire? Sometimes. Does that ever stop me from wanting to find the most expedient way? No Never… this particular desire is a double edged sword at times -being both a blessing and a curse. There are a number of jobs in government and other institutions that value High Honour concerns that would be a motivational challenge for me.

Someone with High Physical Activity might want to design some reoccurring exercise or sports activities into their week. In addition they might want to look at how they function at work. A stand up desk or hourly breaks to stand and move around can contribute. Some organizations have a culture that may be more in alignment : sponsoring in house teams and supporting gym memberships.

You can look for a work situation that matches your motivational profile in some important ways. You can also design how you operate in an existing work situation. The important part of this is to use the information to help increase alignment of who you are with what you do.