Notes from Sandy

Repeat after me “I am not a label”

Repeat after me “I am not a label”

Imagine a work environment where everyone has their MBTI type label posted on their office door. This may strike some as just terribly efficient. But no No NO NOOOOO…this is just bad practice and a misuse of the MBTI or any other assessment tool IMHO. People are NOT...

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Reaching Out

Reaching Out

The fallacy of going it alone Independence has often been heralded as an essential quality – overtly for entrepreneurs and as a sub-text for others such as high performers on their way up the corporate ladder similarly for senior leaders. It is part of a particular...

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Take This Enneagram Quiz

Take This Enneagram Quiz

The Enneagram is a model of nine distinct personality types. This may sound like something that could offer an simpler model than the MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator). Nine types compared to sixteen of the MBTI – right? My experience is that the Enneagram provides...

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Observing – Use Sensing to improve your coaching

Observing – Use Sensing to improve your coaching

Not every organization embraces using coaches but more and more people are using coaching skills in the workplace. Both coaches and managers using coaching tools can hone their coaching skills. During a recent conversation that was ostensibly about an upcoming...

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An MBTI “Shopping” Moment

An MBTI “Shopping” Moment

The Theory The Thinking preference makes decisions objectively based on matching to rational, logical criteria. The Feeling preference has a decision-making process that is subjective and is based on values and how the decision will affect the people involved. It is a...

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Dealing with Organizational Change

Dealing with Organizational Change

Psychometrics is the hub for MBTI training, certification and access to the MBTI inventory in Canada. They are the “go to” source for new information and resources. The January newsletter is an example of bringing new insights and applications to both MBTI...

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Experiential Workshop Survival Tactic for Introverts

Experiential Workshop Survival Tactic for Introverts

Imagine seventeen creative people in one confined 20 x 30 foot space for five days in a painting workshop exploring non-objective painting. Interestingly non-objective painting is a very personal and internal experience. My perspective on it is that you have to know...

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Appreciation of Personality Differences

Appreciation of Personality Differences

Over a period of an hour this week I watched a parent interact with their young child. I don’t know the adults MBTI type but what I observed would lead me to believe that they had preferences for Thinking and Judging. What I do know is that they spoke in an even...

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Attraction to Something Larger Than Us

Attraction to Something Larger Than Us

I painted this painting in response to the death of Jack layton, the leader of the New Democratic Party. It is not really a political painting. I like to think (no ego LOL) that it is about something larger. When Jack died there was a spontaneous outpouring from...

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