Personality Assessments

Three Assessment Tools for Self-knowledge

Each assessment tool measures something different.
No one tool paints the full picture of who you are.


If you are ready…
  • Choose an assessment
  • Pay below to register and remember to leave your email address on the payment form
  • You will receive details about taking the assessment of your choice and arranging a time for a debrief
  • Your assessment is submitted for scoring for MBTI and Reiss
  • We will debrief of your results and apply this understanding to your current environment

If you need a chat to decide....

12 + 6 =

Where will you start?

One of 16 MBTI Types

[et_pb_paypal_button pp_business_name=”T98DRL7N4MYBY” pp_select_button=”on” pp_item_name=”MBTI assessment” pp_amount=”$195″ pp_currency_code=”USD” pp_return=”435″ pp_cancel_return=”6″ open_in_new_tab=”off” use_custom=”off” button_alignment=”center” _builder_version=”3.7″][/et_pb_paypal_button]

Include your email address when you pay.

 Step II MBTI and debrief

One of 9 Enneagram Styles

[et_pb_paypal_button pp_business_name=”T98DRL7N4MYBY” pp_select_button=”on” pp_item_name=”Enneagram Debrief” pp_amount=”$125″ pp_currency_code=”USD” pp_return=”443″ pp_cancel_return=”6″ open_in_new_tab=”off” use_custom=”off” button_alignment=”center” _builder_version=”3.7″][/et_pb_paypal_button]

Include your email address when you pay.

Enneagram Type Discovery Debrief
$125 USD

Select Core Motivators

[et_pb_paypal_button pp_business_name=”T98DRL7N4MYBY” pp_select_button=”on” pp_item_name=”Reiss Motivation Profile” pp_amount=”$145″ pp_currency_code=”USD” pp_return=”438″ pp_cancel_return=”6″ open_in_new_tab=”off” use_custom=”off” button_alignment=”center” _builder_version=”3.7″][/et_pb_paypal_button]

Include your email address when you pay.

Reiss Motivation Profile Assessment + Debrief
$145 USD

The MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Inventory) is based on Jungian typology and looks specifically at the different ways we prefer to take in information and make decisions. Each of the 16 types has one ways of processing that dominates and flavours how we show up day to day and under stress. The MBTI has been used extensively for personal development and furthering understanding in groups.
The Enneagram which is a model of nine distinct worldviews. This tool is brilliantly accurate in identifying our core motivation and resulting approach to the world. Our MBTI flavours the way our Enneagram type shows up. The Enneagram shows us our true essence as well as the way our habitual stance can limit us. This model can provide a path for ongoing reflection and growth.
This is a trait based model called the Reiss Motivation Profile. Dr. Steven Reiss’s research reduced all desires, wants and needs to 16 core desires – 14 of which are found in animal behaviour. Each of us has a relationship to each desire in a particular constellation with some ranking stronger or weaker than others.  We are constantly playing out the persistent nature of our core desires.