Patsi Krakoff and Denise Wakeman, internet wizards,  just sent me a treasure by snail mail. It is a book called “Twitter Revolution” by Deb Micek and Warren Whitlock. One piece of wisdom leapt off the pages of this book. It was one of those blinding flashes of the obvious. Deb and Warren point out that Social Media allows those with a preference for Introversion to reveal themselves after they have had a period of time to reflect on what and how they want to present themselves.

They go on to say that you can tell the Introverts from the Extraverts by their style. On Twitter Extraverts are comfortable with mis-spellings galore and little attention to details. Introverts will take the time to review and correct before they post.

This has implications for using Social Media as a business building tool. Consider your client or colleagues. If they are in a field where precise language and proper business etiquette is a high priority, it is important to reflect this in the attention you pay when using any Social Media. For those of us who have a preference for Extraversion, this might mean taking a page from our Introverted Brothers and sisters and slowing down to reflect before posting.